Tuesday, November 25, 2008



The original name of butterfly was 'flutterby' !


In a building there are 3 floors
Each floor has a bulb in the room
In the basement there are 3 switches
You can go up the stairs only once
How can you find which switch is of which bulb ?


  1. We have 3 floors say
    Floor0(basement),floor1 and floor2
    Turn on one of the switches in basement
    Case I
    If floor 0(basement) lits up, turn on another switch n go upstairs n find out which floor is lit up.the remaing switch is fr the remaning floor
    Case II
    If floor 0 dosent lits up go upstairs and find out which floor is lit up. Then turn on another switch in basement.if floor 0 lits up the remaing switch is fr the remaining floor.
    Else if floor 0 dosent lits up the remaining switch is fr the basement
    Hope it makes sense

  2. @ SAM
    According to the puzzle, it seems that there are 3 floors + 1 basement. I am still trying to solve it.

  3. on the switches 1 by 1 giving 5 min gap
    Go upstairs and touch the bulb 1 by 1
    the bulb which is hottest was switched on first and u link it with the first switch and so on

  4. We have three Floors viz. Basement,GF,FF and SF
    We Ist switch on two points and switch off one point.

    Situation I
    Visit GF Bulb may be lits up- two option yes or no. If yes point which we had on & still on is for GF. If no, then we can touch the bulb and check whether it is hot- two options yes or no. If yes, then the point which we had switch on and then off is for GF. If bulb is not hot then the point which we had never put on is for GF.
    Same process can be repeated for FF.
    And one need not to go to SF at all.

  5. Vinnie - No. Seems difficult to identify.

    Sakhuja - Well, pretty close.

    The answer is :

    Put the first switch on. After 5 minutes switch it off and put the 2nd switch on and go upstairs. On the 3 floors, on bulb will be lit and one among the unlit bulbs will be hot. The one which is hot pertains to the first switch, the one which is lit, to the 2nd switch and the unlit one to the 3rd switch.
