Friday, January 23, 2009



India was the richest country in the world before the British invasion in the 17th century !


You have 2 jars, one of them fits exactly 5 litres and the other one fits exactly 3 litres. How would you get exactly 4 litres using these two jars?


  1. OK let try this intersting conundrum!!

    Step1: Fill the 3 litre jar completely
    Step2: Empty the contents of 3L jar in the 5L
    Step3: Again completely fill this 3L jar
    Step5: Add the contents to 5 L jar
    As 5L jar already has 3 litres of water
    it can occupy further only 2 litres of
    Thus 1litre of water is remaining in
    3L jar.
    Step6: Throw away all the water in 5L jar.
    Step7: Transfer the contents of 3L jar(viz. 1
    litre of water)to 5L jar.
    (Now 5L jar has 1litre of water)
    Step8: Completely fill the 3L jar and empty
    the contents in 5L jar.
    Now 5L jar has previous 1litre+3litre
    of water i.e. 4litres of water
    finally 4litres of water in a jar !

  2. Well done!

    There is a shorter way too. Try again!

  3. The second posiblity would be as follow

    Step 1. Fill the 5L Jar and pour the water in 3L Jar.Now 5L Jar have 2L water

    Step 2. Throw away the water from 3L Jar and Pour the balance of 2L water from 5L jar into 3L Jar.

    Step 3. Fill the 5L Jar Again and Pour the water from this Jar into 3L Jar.

    As the 3L Jar already have 2L of waters it will only contain 1 more L of waters resulting 4L will be left in 5L Jar.
